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6 Reasons Freelancers Should Be Addicted to Email Marketing

Never really thought about email marketing as a freelancer? It can be a powerful tool. Mailbutler explains how and why you should use it.

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    By Ilija

    An economist by degree, a marketing manager at heart. Seeing my website on the first page of Google is what excites me most. I write mostly about email productivity, email management and AI.

    Email marketing can be interesting for freelancers as well. Find out what reasons may drive freelancers to start occupying this niche.

    The Internet gives hope that making money freelancing is easy. Freelancers have free time that they can manage as they like.

    However, if you decide to conduct a project freelance, you will have to learn how to live and work in a new way.

    Today, we will review the reasons for freelancers to switch their activity to email marketing. Hop on, it is going to be interesting!

    Why Freelancers need Email Marketing?

    • Search for your first customers. When you are just starting to receive your first few orders, it can be difficult, especially when no one knows that your new service exists.
      Sending a newsletter to each contact, friend, and family member whose email address you have is an excellent way to talk about yourself.
      Even if they don’t have a job for you, many of your recipients will know someone who might need your services.

    • Stay in touch with customers. There is no such business as repeat business, and staying in touch with old customers and contacts is a good way to get it.
      Perhaps you completed the project a long time ago, and the client is not sure that you are still working, maybe your contact changed the company and did not think about your services in their new context, or perhaps what he hears from you, just remind them that they have a job.
      Whatever the reason, staying in touch with your customers is an excellent way to get more work done.

    • Getting a new job from existing customers. Using email to get a new job means doing some kind of promotion.
      This can vary from telling them about a new service to sending them a special offer.

    Why is this Method Efficient?

    Of course, using email marketing is not the only way to achieve any of these three goals. Here are a few reasons why mailing is the right choice for all three:

    1. Email marketing is fast. From design to completing your email campaign, you can reach your customers within hours and minutes.

    1. Email marketing is cheap. Unlike other forms of marketing, such as brochures and flyers, the cost of email is meager, usually from 0 to a few cents per email.

    1. Email marketing is effective. When email marketing is used correctly, it’s an excellent way to stay connected. Everyone uses email, and most people at least look into emails from someone they know.
      Thanks to them, you look organized. Like most forms of marketing, thanks to mailing lists, you can look professional and organized.

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    Main Reasons for Freelancers to Employ Email Marketing

    • Boost sales and get your bonuses

    Good trigger communication on an abandoned basket can save a third of the marketing budget. If you managed to get contact via pop-up or a bun for the newsletter subscription form, then you just have to remind yourself and make a chain of involving content

    This works well for the B2B segment, when the lead is first collected, then warmed up by a message chain, periodically leading to dialogue with sales, which can close the deal.

    If you want to increase the conversion to the user's collected email, offer something in return: a useful training manual, discount, bonus - anything.
    This will help you increase the total number of conversions, as well as receive only relevant contacts from interested users - which is much more important and valuable.

    • Results bring benefits

    When people work remotely, cheating is difficult. The whole process is not visible, and only the result is visible. If you work remotely, it will be difficult for you to hide the bad work.

    Only the result is visible, and only this is evaluated. Some customers need white email marketing. They want to work with their audience continuously. 

    They order a warming chain of letters from you, most often they don’t know how much it costs, because they come to freelancers after agencies.

    Agencies, as a rule, work with large businesses; for small and medium-sized companies, their price tags are unbearable, and these are hundreds of thousands per project.

    It’s more profitable to order small and medium-sized businesses on a freelance, here they will find specialists who will do what they need, cheaper.

    • It is all about new opportunities

    Email marketing is about tests. To fully automate the work, it will be necessary to carry out several stages of testing hypotheses to determine the best of them.

    Test, analyze the result, scale - believe us, it is better to invest in it than to lose potential profit. Strategy, planning, and experimentation are key elements of success.

    In order for your newsletters to consistently show good results, you need to develop a sound email marketing strategy coupled with a content plan, plan activities, and experiment

    Only in this way can you not only create realistic goals but also understand which of them really have practical value.

    “As a result, you will get a large number of automated communications that will regularly generate additional revenue, and you will engage in growth hacking — looking for leverage where you can use force to search for new working hypotheses,” explains Ben Grant, a marketer for TheAdsy.

    • It improves your time management

    Different types of letters, of course, require different times. Try to plan and, if possible, have a schedule. If you plan to send periodic newsletters, select dates for them in the schedule (for example, quarterly) and attach them.

    If you are serious about your electronic marketing and put it on your calendar or table, your results will be much more successful. Time is money. The freelance will teach you how to value time.

    • New customers - new assignments

    The advantage of freelance is that you yourself choose the client and projects that you plan to work with in the future. You work for yourself and directly with the customer.

    One day you will realize that it is time to look for customers. Register on marketplaces - platforms where customers and contractors work without an intermediary and pay a small commission on the transaction.

    Register on all sites to find customers. Add a new resume to popular job search resources. Indicate the option “project activity” and constantly monitor new vacancies.

    • You stay in your chosen environment

    When you begin to work for yourself, the work will no longer seem impossible. You will have to extract information from nowhere and learn what you have not learned before independently.

    Over time, you will become a specialist in your field, and you will know how to build your work.

    If your main activity was marketing, blogging, and positioning your own brand, it’s easier to shift, because you really know how to do it all for yourself and your business.

    Mailbutler Interview with Freelancer Nick Kyriakides:


    Would you like to learn more about how to achieve Inbox Zero? Read this interesting article "The 3-Step Guide to Achieving Inbox Zero".

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