Introducing Mailbutler’s Shared Inbox Collaboration Features

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Mailbutler is for you

Mailbutler reviews and testimonials

Regardless of your industry, position, or needs, Mailbutler is for you. Read on to see how Mailbutler helps our users solve problems in their professional lives.

Mailbutler reviews and testimonials

Nick Kyriakides

An image of Nick Kyriakides

Founder of NK Films, Post-Production Artist, Freelancer of the year


  • Searching for contacts and remembering their details
  • Not knowing if a recipient has received an email


  • Mailbutler’s Contacts feature stores all of Nick’s clients in one place, making them easy to find
  • The Email and Link Tracking features let Nick see if his recipients have opened his message and clicked on his links

“Mailbutler has revolutionized my workflow.”

Jeff Sanders

An image of Jeff Sanders

Founder of The Rockin’ Productivity Academy and the 5 AM Miracle podcast, author, keynote speaker


  • An app that makes email task management easy and intuitive
  • Having information on clients and projects directly to hand whenever he receives a message from someone


  • Jeff uses the Tasks feature to remind himself to get his to-dos done, and to see a list of all the things he needs to do
  • The Contacts feature lets Jeff add personalized information to his recipients and have a quick overview of the projects they’re working on together

“Mailbutler became my favorite email tool overnight.”

A picture of Hollie Barac

Hollie Barac

A picture of Hollie Barac

Founder of Mayday VA and the Productivity! With Hollie podcast, accountability and productivity partner


  • A lack of professional, customizable email signatures in minutes
  • Having to open the calendar to leave reminders to follow up


  • Hollie uses the Mailbutler Email Signatures feature, which provides extensive customization, responsive signatures, and quick signature creation
  • The follow-up tasks feature, which lets Hollie easily create follow-up reminders right within her inbox

“Mailbutler is an absolute gem.”

Alicia Fairclough

A picture of Alicia Fairclough

Founder of EA How To


  • Spending too much time writing emails
  • Not knowing when a recipient has opened a message


  • Alicia uses Mailbutler’s Email Templates, which allow for easy-to-create templates that save time writing email copy
  • She likes the Tracking feature, which lets her see whether and when an email has been opened by her contact

“The templates are my favorite feature and biggest time saver. It’s brilliant!”

A picture of Alicia Fairclough
An image of Dharmendra Patel

Dharmendra Patel

An image of Dharmendra Patel

Product photographer


  • Difficulty finding a workflow with regards to email communication
  • Conveying a professional image


  • Dharmendra uses Mailbutler Tasks, synced with Google Tasks, to help him prioritize to-dos and remind him to follow-up with his recipients
  • He also creates original email signatures with Mailbutler’s Email Signatures feature, allowing him to always present his brand in a professional way when talking with clients

“Mailbutler is my own personal email assistant.”

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