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Artificial Intelligence

6 ways of using AI in email communication: Expert roundup

Mailbutler gives you an expert roundup of how to best use AI (artificial intelligence) in business email communication.

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    By James

    James has seven years' experience as a Content Marketer, bylines on Left Foot Forward, Submittable, and INOMICS, and a Master's in History. In his free time he likes to read, play guitar, and write for his personal blog.

    At its core, AI in email communication refers to the integration of machine learning and predictive algorithms to enhance the way we send, receive, and interact with our emails.

    As we increasingly rely on digital communication, especially in professional settings, the fusion of AI with our inboxes promises a more efficient, personalized, and streamlined experience for both senders and recipients.

    But how exactly is this transformation taking place, and what are the real-world applications of AI in our daily email interactions?

    Key takeaways

    • AI for Faster Email Processing and Response
    • Writing Email Content with AI
    • Chatbot Integration in Email Campaigns
    • AI-Optimized Email Subject Lines
    • AI-Driven Avatars for Personalized Videos
    • Predictive Analysis for Personalized Email Communication
    • Customer Support Automation

    Check out our recent discussion about AI in email communication:

    Step into the future of email communication with our expert roundup of the incredible ways AI is changing the email game. We're here to show you 6 practical ways AI is taking your inbox to the next level. From adding quick replies to locking down security, get ready to see how the experts are making emails smarter than ever before. Let's dive in.

    AI to make it faster to process and respond

    In our agency, we have really leaned into AI for various tasks, including our daily email communication. Simply put, AI is a must-have productivity tool. We use AI to help us tailor subject lines and to help create personalized content at scale when doing marketing communication. And those of us who spend a good part of the day in our work inboxes also use AI to make it faster to process and respond to regular business emails. Generative AI is really good at predicting what you want to say. It's like auto-complete on steroids. Reflecting its effectiveness, ChatGPT, a leading generative AI, handles an estimated 10 million queries per day, showcasing the widespread reliance on AI for enhancing email communication efficiency.

    Of course, we don't rely on AI to do all the work. We use it for ideation and productivity to help us be more creative and work faster, but ultimately we know that email communications need to be authentic and real, so we believe human editing is essential.

    Charles Coxhead - Managing Director - Cross Border Digital

    Charles Coxhead - Managing Director - Cross Border Digital

    Bulk-writing content for emails

    AI has saved me a ton of time bulk-writing content for my emails, but my best advice is to never copy and paste. Always edit content generated by ChatGPT and infuse your own unique personality and insight. ChatGPT is great, but there are ideas in our head from first-hand experience that ChatGPT will likely never be able to replicate - at least not genuinely.

    Chris Mitchell - Founder - Intelus Agency

    Chris Mitchell - Founder - Intelus Agency

    Chatbot integration in email campaigns

    One example that comes to mind when discussing our AI integration is our recent addition of chatbots to our email campaigns. Just a few months ago, we had a major product launch and used an AI-powered chatbot within our emails.

    This allowed our subscribers to ask immediate questions right from the email, leading to a more interactive experience. One client was so impressed that he thought he was chatting with a real team member. This enhanced our user engagement and also made our support more efficient.

    Josh Elizetxe - Founder - Customer Feedback

    Josh Elizetxe - Founder - Customer Feedback

    AI-optimized email subject lines

    We've integrated AI to refine our email communication, particularly in subject line optimization. One instance involved emailing our clients and announcing a new feature. Initially, the subject line was "Exciting Update on Our Latest Feature!" 

    However, with the help of our AI tool, it suggested a more engaging line: "Here’s How We're Making Web Scraping Even Better for You." The results were immediate as our open rates surged.

    Daniel Pfeffer - CEO - Scrape Network

    AI-driven avatars for personalized videos

    Nothing works better than personalized video messages as a unique approach to following up with clients. Text-to-video editors, together with AI-driven avatars, are a game-changing solution for those who want to make their clients feel special through newsletters. 

    Personalizing video messages is where AI helps me work fast and efficiently. The days of spending hours in the studio are long gone! Now, you can create video messages for clients without leaving your workplace, thanks to AI!

    Daria Globchak - Account Manager -

    Daria Globchak - Account Manager -

    Predictive analysis

    When discussing AI in email communication, we often see people recommending ChatGPT or any other generative AI for writing email content, crafting subject lines, or even creating automatic responses to customer emails. 

    While it can be a great help in that process, I believe the benefits of AI go beyond that. It excels at predictive analysis, which can be used to foresee customer behavior based on their past interests and actions. This can streamline the process of personalization and make email communication more unique and direct. 

    For example, with data gathered from predictive analysis, you can create a recommendation campaign for audiobooks from the same author the user reached for during the last couple of months. 

    Famous companies, such as Netflix and Amazon are already using this approach in their email marketing strategies. 

    So, I highly recommend exploring the benefits of AI beyond content creation as it can easily turn into an invaluable tool for maximizing ROI.

    Ketevan Bostoganashvili, Technical Content Writer, Mailtrap

    Ketevan Bostoganashvili, Technical Content Writer, Mailtrap


    Customer Support Automation

    Many companies use AI-driven tools to manage customer support emails. AI can categorize incoming customer inquiries, route them to the appropriate department, and even generate initial automated responses to common questions.

    We use Zendesk AI through its feature called "Answer Bot." This bot automatically scans incoming customer emails and provides instant responses based on a knowledge base. It can handle simple inquiries directly, reducing the need for human intervention and speeding up response times.

    Syed Owais - SEO Executive - Branex AE

    General AI quotes by thought leaders


    Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft

    We are on the cusp of a new frontier that pairs the power of natural human language with advanced machine intelligence.


    Ginni Rometty, Former CEO of IBM

    Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we'll augment our intelligence.


    Vivienne Ming, Co-founder of Socos Labs

    Artificial intelligence and machine learning, as a dominant discipline within AI, is an amazing tool. In and of itself, it’s not good or bad. It’s not a magic solution, nor is it the core of the problems in the world.


    Paul Daugherty, Chief technology officer at Accenture

    In our business, we talk about emerging technologies and how they impact society. We’ve never seen technology move as fast as AI has to impact society and technology. This is by far the fastest-moving technology that we’ve ever tracked in terms of its impact and we’re just getting started.


    Andrew Ng, Computer Scientist and Global Leader in AI

    It is difficult to think of a major industry that AI will not transform. This includes healthcare, education, transportation, retail, communications, and agriculture.


    Tim Cook, CEO of Apple

    For artificial intelligence to be truly smart, it must respect human values, including privacy. If we get this wrong, the dangers are profound.


    Fei Fei Li, Director of Stanford’s Artificial Intelligence Lab

    AI is fundamentally an applied technology that’s going to serve our society. Humanistic AI not only raises awareness of the importance of technology; it’s also a really important way to attract diverse students, technologists, and innovators to participate.


    Jeff Bezos, Founder and Executive Chairman of Amazon

    We are now solving problems with machine learning and artificial intelligence that were… in the realm of science fiction for the last several decades. Natural language understanding, machine vision problems; it really is an amazing renaissance.

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