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What kind of email message templates are used by experts

Unlock the secrets of the pros: Explore the email message templates experts use to skyrocket productivity and get more responses!

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    By Ilija

    An economist by degree, a marketing manager at heart. Seeing my website on the first page of Google is what excites me most. I write mostly about email productivity, email management and AI.

    Email templates are one of the most important aspects of business emails.

    Whether you're cold emailing, sending out collaboration requests, or responding to support tickets, templates can save you valuable time and effort.

    Maybe you have the feeling that email templates are just the ingredient you need to improve your workflow and let you focus on the work that really matters rather than spend all your time writing and responding to emails.

    But where to start? What sort of templates should you create?

    Never fear - Mailbutler is here to help you.

    Read on to find out how other professionals and experts use email templates to improve their email communication.

    How do I create an email message template?

    Creating an email template is easy - especially with Mailbutler.

    Simply head into your chosen email client, go to the Account and Preferences cog icon in the Mailbutler Sidebar, and head to the Templates tab.

    From here, you can create a new template by clicking on the blue button with a plus in it in the top right-hand corner.

    Now, write your template, add any personalized placeholders, and you're good to go!

    Insert it by clicking on the template button in your compose window, where you'll see a list of all the templates you've made. It's as easy as that.

    Preserve your energy

    Writing the same email over and over again isn't only time-consuming, but can also take its toll mentally.

    You want your work day to be efficient - work smarter, not harder!

    That's where email templates come in.

    Using a template means you aren't constantly writing the same, boring email copy over and over again, saving you the mental stress of having to repeat yourself multiple times a day.

    And having more mental capacity means you can focus on the work that really matters and save the valuable time you would otherwise be wasting writing emails.

    The Mailbutler Email Templates feature can help you with this!

    Mailbutler lets you create templates in minutes, and even add your own personalized placeholders for, for example, your recipient's name, the subject line, etc.

    This means whenever you insert the template into your compose window - which only takes two clicks - you can quickly see and fill out the individual elements which need to be personalized.

    James Alston, Head of Content at

    James Alston, Head of Content at

    Maintain a consistent tone and style in your communication 

    Email templates can help you maintain a consistent tone and style in your communication with customers, partners, and suppliers.

    By having a template that you can refer to each time you need to send an email, you can ensure that your messages are always clear and concise.

    We are always working on our templates for consistency because, of course, things change over time. But it's worth the effort to maintain a consistent voice in your email communication.

    Sebastian Schaeffer, Co-founder & CTO at 

    Sebastian Schaeffer, Co-founder & CTO at 

    Time management 

    Email templates can help you manage your time by giving you a way to quickly send off messages without having to think about what you're going to say each time.

    We all know how easy it is to get caught up in our inboxes and spend too much time writing emails. By using templates, you can free up some time to focus on other tasks.

    You also know that when you send out a template, it's going to be well-written and on-brand.

    We've found that we actually get fewer requests for clarification and more positive feedback when we use templates.

    Alex Milosh, Head of Organic Growth at Atera

    Streamline email communication

    Streamline email communication 

    Email templates are a great way for me to streamline my email communication. By creating a template for each type of email I send, I can save myself time and energy.

    I use Gmail Templates for my repetitive emails when I do cold outreach.

    I use a template that helps me structure a personalized message, and then 2 templates for follow up emails.

    That way, all I need to do is insert the appropriate recipient's name and email address and tweak the message where necessary.

    It helps to create consistent branding for my emails.

    I typically use the same color scheme and logo across all email communications. This can help create a professional look for my email communications, and it can make it easy for recipients to identify my emails in their inboxes.

    Oran Yehiel, Founder at StartupGeek

    Oran Yehiel, Founder at StartupGeek

    Reduces the risk of errors in grammar and spelling 

    The best email templates save time by needing the least amount of tweaking. I typically create a few templates for my most common types of email communications: networking, follow-ups, inquiries, & thank yous. 

    I communicate with so many people in a day that I'd waste hours either typing by hand or trying to 'cookie-cut' copy and paste from previously sent messages. 

    Using templates also reduces the risk of human error in grammar and spelling, which is of extreme importance when your email is acting as a first impression of your brand.

    Brandon Adcock, CEO of Nugenix

    Using email templates for your support team

    Using email message templates for your support team

    The support team uses email templates to respond to support queries.

    The templates are shared within the team, and anyone can import them directly to the email box. Some templates are customizable, while some are created with standardized answers.

    The team scoured the tickets and queries to find the frequently asked questions.

    With ready-to-use templates, the team does not have to write the emails on the spot and can send the answer quickly. The templates also keep the brand voice unified across the team

    Some responses are automated, which further increases the reply speed.

    The customer's first email after raising the ticket is the automated acknowledgment and affirmation email that a team member is working on the issue.

    Similarly, the last email asking whether the customer is happy with the service is also a template.

    Mariusz Michalowski, Community Manager at Spacelift

    Mariusz Michalowski, Community Manager at Spacelift

    80-20 Rule

    We've found that the 80/20 rule is the perfect way to strike a balance between templating and personalization in order to maximize response rates. 

    This means you should aim for 80% templated content, with 20% of your content tailored to each customer. 

    Personalizing the recipient's name can be a great start, as well as mentioning something personal to the customer that explains why you're reaching out. 

    Using this method, we have seen an average response rate of 15%, compared to 5% when using no personalization.

    This can be a great time-saving strategy while still ensuring you create meaningful and personalized connections with your customers.

    Ajay Paghdal, Founder, Only Outreach

    Ajay Paghdal, Founder, Only Outreach


    So there you go - now you have a few ideas to get you started with creating email templates. You've read how they can save you time, make you more efficient, stop you from having to worry about spelling and grammar, and make your customer support top-notch.

    So what are you waiting for? Go forth and create templates!

    And if you need some help, Mailbutler can improve email communication by making template creation quick and simple. Try us now for 14 days for free!

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