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Email closing lines: 48 examples and best practices

Explore 48 examples of effective email closing lines and best practices for creating memorable and engaging endings to your emails.

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    By Ilija

    An economist by degree, a marketing manager at heart. Seeing my website on the first page of Google is what excites me most. I write mostly about email productivity, email management and AI.

    Emails that end with some version of "thank you" tend to get response rates of 63% to 65%. This is about 1.3 times higher than emails ending with "Best." Such numbers highlight how a simple act of gratitude in your email closing lines can significantly increase your chances of getting a reply. (According to a survey made by Boomerang).

    best email closing lines

    What is an email closing line?

    An email closing line, often referred to as a sign-off, is the final phrase or sentence used before your signature in an email. It serves as a courteous conclusion to your message, reflecting the tone of your email, whether formal, informal, professional, or friendly.

    The choice of closing line can significantly impact the impression you leave on the recipient, making it a crucial component of email etiquette. It's not just a polite way to end a conversation but can also influence the recipient's response and perception of you and your message.

    The closing line bridges the body of your email to your signature, acting as a farewell or a call to action, depending on the context and intent of your message.

    A HuffPost and YouGov survey found that "Thanks" is the most popular email sign-off, used by 62% of people. It suggests a polite and appreciated finish to an email.

    However, some sign-offs like "Xoxo," "Peace," and "Cheers" can annoy recipients. This shows the importance of choosing the right closing line to make a good impression and suit the email's tone.

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    Things to avoid in email closing lines

    When you're finishing an email, it's important to pick the right words. Here's what to avoid to keep things professional and respectful:

    • Too Casual Words: "Hey" or "See ya" might not be right for work emails. They're fine for friends, but not for your boss or clients.
    • Wrong Tone: Don't end with "Love" in a work email. It's too personal. Similarly, "Sincerely" might be too formal for a note to a coworker you know well.
    • Pushy Phrases: Saying "Reply now" can seem too forceful. It's better to say "Looking forward to hearing from you," which is polite and open.
    • Repeating Yourself: Using the same ending over and over, like "Any questions, just ask," can get old. Try to mix it up.
    • Not Personalizing: A little change based on who you're emailing can make a difference. It shows you're paying attention.
    • Mismatched Tone: Make sure your ending matches how you've written the rest of your email. If your email is serious, your ending should be too.

    Remember, the right ending shows respect and keeps your email professional.

    Examples of email closing lines

    Writing the perfect ending to your emails is about leaving a good impression. Here's a simpler guide to doing just that:

    1. Formal Email Closings:

    For formal emails, you want to end on a note that's respectful and professional. Use endings like "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Yours faithfully." These show you're serious and value the person's time.

    • "With regards," A professional sign-off that communicates respect and formality.
    • "Best wishes," Offers a positive note while still maintaining a formal tone.
    • "Awaiting your response," Ideal for when you're expecting a reply, showing formality and anticipation.
    • "With gratitude," Expresses thankfulness in a formal manner, suitable for emails where you want to acknowledge assistance or cooperation.
    • "Warm regards," Strikes a balance between warmth and formality, suitable for professional but friendly emails.

    2. Professional Email Closings:

    When you're saying thanks or connecting for business, phrases like "Thank you for reviewing my proposal" or "I appreciate this opportunity to connect" are great. They're professional and show gratitude.

    • "Thank you for your consideration," Perfect for when you've requested something or are awaiting a decision.
    • "Looking forward to collaborating," Ideal for emails that precede a partnership or project.
    • "Appreciating your support," Use this to acknowledge the recipient's help or understanding in professional scenarios.
    • "With respect and regards," Suitable for professional emails where you want to show both respect and a bit of warmth.
    • "In anticipation of your reply," A formal yet eager way to look forward to the recipient's response.

    3. Business Email Endings:

    In business emails, keeping it professional is key. Ending with "Best regards," "Sincerely," or "Thank you" works well. These are polite and show respect, perfect for professional settings.

    • "Looking forward to our next steps," Ideal for emails that are part of ongoing projects or discussions, indicating a forward-looking approach.
    • "Appreciate your swift response," Works well when you're thanking the recipient for their quick reply, while also subtly encouraging continued promptness.
    • "Warmest regards," Strikes a balance between warmth and professionalism, suitable for business emails with established contacts.

    4. Polite Email Closings:

    For emails where you need a response or are asking for something, try "Thank you for your attention to this matter" or "I look forward to your response." These are polite ways to nudge for a reply. Other examples:

    • "If you require any further assistance, please let me know," Offers additional help, demonstrating willingness to continue support.
    • "Please do not hesitate to contact me for any clarification," Invites the recipient to reach out if more information is needed.
    • "Thank you for your guidance," Perfect for instances where the recipient has provided you with advice, information, or mentorship.
    • "Awaiting your valued opinion," Shows the recipient's expertise or judgment, encouraging them to share their insights.

    5. Informal Email Endings:

    If you're emailing friends or close colleagues, you can be more relaxed. Endings like "Take care," "Have a great day," or "Catch up soon" are friendly and warm.

    • Take care and talk soon!" Perfect for messages to friends or close colleagues.
    • "Wishing you a great day ahead!" Sends positive vibes and well wishes.
    • "Looking forward to catching up soon!" Shows enthusiasm for future personal interaction.
    • "Thanks for your help and have a fantastic weekend!" Gratitude mixed with friendly weekend wishes.
    • "Sending you lots of love and hugs!" Demonstrates affection, suitable for very close relationships.

    Each type of closing has its place, depending on who you're emailing and why. Mixing and matching based on the situation can help you leave just the right impression.

    Tips for writing email closings

    email closing lines tips

    Creating an effective email closing requires thoughtful consideration of several factors to ensure your message leaves a lasting and appropriate impression. Here are some tips to guide you in selecting the perfect sign-off:

    • Context Matters: The nature of your email significantly influences the choice of your closing. For formal or business emails, opt for traditional sign-offs like "Best regards" or "Sincerely." In contrast, if your email has a more casual tone or is to someone you have a close relationship with, endings like "Warm wishes" or "Cheers" may be more fitting.
    • Consider the Relationship: The dynamic between you and the recipient plays a crucial role in deciding your sign-off. For emails to senior management or external clients, maintain formality. However, with colleagues you interact with daily, a slightly more relaxed or personal closing might be appropriate.
    • Desired Outcome: What action do you hope to prompt with your email? If you're expecting a reply, consider closings that encourage a response, such as "Looking forward to hearing from you." If expressing gratitude, "Thank you" or "With appreciation" directly conveys your sentiment.
    • Consistency is Key: Ensure your closing line matches the overall tone of your email. A mismatch can confuse the recipient about the message's intent. For example, a serious email concerning policy changes would not end with "Talk to you later!" Similarly, a light-hearted check-in email shouldn't conclude with a stiff "Yours sincerely."
    • Personalize When Possible: Adding a touch of personalization can enhance the connection between you and the recipient. For example, if you know the recipient well, ending with "Enjoy your weekend!" on a Friday email adds a thoughtful touch that generic closings lack.
    • Avoid Overused Phrases: While certain closings are popular because they work well in many situations, try not to rely too heavily on clichés. Instead, tailor your sign-off to reflect your personality or the specific context of the email when appropriate.
    • Professional Signatures: Don't forget about the rest of your email signature, which should include your name, position, and contact information. This not only adds to the professionalism of your email but also makes it easy for the recipient to contact you if needed.

    By following these tips, you can ensure that your email closings are effective, appropriate, and aligned with the message you wish to send. Remember, the goal is to reinforce the intent of your email and leave the recipient with a positive impression.

    The impact of closing lines on email response rates

    The impact of closing lines on email response rates cannot be overstated. A well-chosen closing line can significantly influence whether or not the recipient decides to reply or take the desired action. Here's how:

    1. Encouraging a Reply: A closing line that directly invites feedback or a response can naturally lead to higher engagement rates. For example, ending an email with a question relevant to the recipient's interests or needs signals that you value their opinion and encourage a dialogue. This can make the recipient more inclined to reply.
    2. Calls to Action (CTA): Incorporating a clear call to action in your closing line can dramatically increase the likelihood of the recipient taking a specific action. This could be as simple as requesting a meeting time, asking them to check out a link, or encouraging them to respond with their thoughts. CTAs help guide the recipient on what steps to take next, removing uncertainty that might prevent a response.
    3. Relevance: Tailoring your closing line to the recipient – acknowledging a recent achievement, referencing a shared interest, or mentioning an upcoming event – can make your email more personal and relevant. This level of personalization strengthens relationships, making the recipient more likely to engage in further communication.
    4. Gratitude and Appreciation: Expressing gratitude, such as using "Thank you for your time" or "I appreciate your input," can positively affect response rates. It shows respect for the recipient's time and contribution, which can motivate them to continue the interaction.
    5. Professionalism and Politeness: Maintaining a tone of professionalism and politeness throughout the email, including the closing line, sets a positive tone for the entire interaction. This can influence the recipient's perception of the sender and increase their willingness to respond.

    Generation Z email sign-offs

    The concept of email sign-offs is evolving with Generation Z's entrance into the workforce, introducing a mix of humor, creativity, and a distinct disregard for traditional formalities.

    Gen Z's email sign-offs often reflect their unique blend of pop culture, casualness, and a playful approach to communication. These sign-offs range from witty comments to playful jokes, using elements of sarcasm, cultural references, and personal flair.

    They represent a departure from the conventional "best regards" or "sincerely," aiming instead to add personality and a touch of lightheartedness to email correspondences. (Sources: and

    Gen Z Email Sign-offs:

    • You did it! You made it to the end of this email.
    • This message may or may not have been composed by my cat.
    • I apologize for any typos; I haven’t had my morning coffee yet.
    • That’s all, folks!
    • Tag, you’re it. P.S. No tag backs.
    • Lukewarm regards
    • You’re the GOAT.
    • It just hits different.
    • It’s giving…
    • IYKYK
    • Pop off.
    • That’s a great idea. Let him cook.
    • No cap.
    • I hate to sound like an NPC, but…
    • Out of pocket
    • I’m shook.
    • I totally slayed it.
    • We really understood the assignment on this one!
    • Live long and stay valid
    • Over and out.
    • Hasta la pasta
    • Don't cross me
    • Talk soon, loser
    • Let me know if you have any questions, or don’t
    • Apologies for existing
    • Insert pleasantry here

    Email closing lines FAQs

    How can I make my email closing line memorable and engaging?

    To make your email closing line memorable and engaging, infuse it with personality and wit while maintaining professionalism. Personalize it to reflect your relationship with the recipient and the context of the email, such as mentioning shared experiences or inside jokes. This ensures a lasting impression and promotes stronger connections, boosting the overall effectiveness of your communication strategy.

    Should I always use a closing line in my emails?

    Using a closing line in emails is a best practice as it adds closure, maintains professionalism, and demonstrates respect for the recipient. It prevents confusion, signals the end of the communication, and acknowledges the recipient's time and attention, contributing to a positive and respectful exchange of information.

    How can I tailor my email closing line to different recipients or situations?

    Tailoring your email closing line involves considering the recipient's relationship, the purpose of the email, and the overall context. For formal relationships, use professional closings like "best regards." For informal ones, opt for casual phrases like "thanks." Adjust the language to match the tone and purpose of the email, ensuring clear and effective communication while nurturing professional relationships.

    What is a good closing line for an email?

    A good closing line for an email is one that maintains professionalism while expressing gratitude or anticipation for further communication. Examples include "Best regards," "Sincerely," "Thank you," "Yours," and "Regards." Remember, the closing line serves as the final impression of your email, so choose one that aligns with the tone and purpose of your message.

    How do you close a professional email?

    To close a professional email effectively, use a concise and courteous closing line followed by your name. Common closing lines include "Best regards," "Sincerely," "Thank you," "Yours," and "Regards." After the closing line, type your full name to add a personal touch and authenticate your message.

    How do you write the last line of an email?

    The last line of an email should be a polite closing statement that reflects the tone of your message and leaves a positive impression. You can use phrases like "Best regards," "Sincerely," "Thank you," "Yours," and "Regards." After the closing line, type your full name to sign off the email, ensuring clarity and professionalism in your communication.


    Picking the right words to end an email is like choosing the right hat for an outfit—it can make a big difference. Simple "Thanks" or "Best wishes" show you care and can help get a reply. It's a small but smart way to wrap up your message.

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